About Me

I’m a digital media and communications expert, with over 10 years of experience in creating and managing content and digital strategy for various digital media platforms. I have been a founding team member of a leading digital media and technology company where I built a huge worldwide community of over 20 million monthly users, 30 employees, and an internationally recognized brand name in new media.
The media and advocacy projects I have worked on tackle a wide array of subjects crucial to our current world issues. I have worked on cyber security and digital warfare projects, environmental impact and pollution management campaigns, gender and social inclusion campaigns, water & sanitation rights campaigns, education advocacy projects, legal drafting, and intellectual property rights, among others.
I have experience collaborating in media and communications projects, generating business worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, with a wide range of national and international organizations like the US Consulate General Lahore, British High Commission Islamabad, Emirates Airlines, The Coca-Cola Company, Nestlé, Unilever Pakistan, Malala Fund, Governor of Punjab’s Communications Team and others.
With my years of experience, I am eager to help you communicate more effectively with your audience in an engaging and entertaining manner.
You can contact me for all your digital media, content, and communications requirements here.